This month, Kitty and her flower fairy friends, Faith and Hope, decided to have a Spring Fashion Show to raise money for Ukrainian refugees. They recruited the Hittys, and all the girls decided to wear their “Sunday best” dresses with hats and bonnets. Viewers from all over the world will be watching the show. Kitty, Faith and Hope are excited to see that so many people are willing to help the citizens of Ukraine.
Time to reveal the fashions. Kitty goes first: she is wearing a sage green gingham check dress with ecru trim. Her lace bonnet is made from two rows of crocheted trim, in a simple hooded style gathered at the back.

Next is a DeAnn Cotes Hitty in her original pink dotted swiss gown. A crocheted maroon and white bonnet with mauve ribbons complements her dress perfectly. Look at those delicate gloves!

Raikes Hitty wears a fresh, pastel blue and white dress made from a vintage handkerchief. The matching scarf keeps her hair in place.

Shannon Rose wears blue as well, but her ensemble is definitely country-inspired. Her cheerful blue and white dress is covered with an apron made from a handkerchief. The sunbonnet pattern is from Hittygirls.

Hitty Cleo loves lace! Her delicate flower-print dress is trimmed with the same white lace as her bonnet. Isn’t she pretty as a picture?

Like her best friend, Kitty, Mabel is fond of gingham. She is wearing a green gingham jumper and blouse inspired by 1860s fashions. The straps of the jumper are called, “Brettelles.” Her bonnet is hand-crocheted using a pattern by Anne on HittysKnittys.

From checks to plaid… Hitty McKenna is Scottish through and through. Her 1950’s inspired plaid circle skirt matches her tam o’ shanter cap.

Hitty Myrtle (by Judy Brown) wears her original sheer pink dancing dress. My talented friend and fellow dollmaker, Alice Swann, made her adorable bonnet.

Hitty Sis is wearing a traditional style, pale green sprigged dress. A crocheted apron and forest green bonnet complete the look.

And last, but not least, is Hitty Maeve. Her navy blue dress printed with flowers contrasts perfectly with her white lace collar. The teal bonnet complements her bright green eyes.

That’s the end of the show… or is it? Faith and Hope have a surprise for one lucky Hitty. They put all the girls’ names in a top hat and draw one.

Hitty Cleo is the winner! But what is the surprise going to be? Cleo waits with anticipation to see what is underneath the doily.

It’s a beautiful hand-decorated Ukrainian egg!

Pysanky is another name for these delicate creations. Using a wax resist process, each egg is dyed multiple times to add colors to the design.
We hope you enjoyed the fashion show and our tribute to the people of Ukraine.