Hitty Cleo and Hitty Mabel were inspired by the post about Dickens the Magician to create their own magic show. Since Cleo is from Egypt, they chose an ancient Egyptian theme. They designed their own costumes, gathered all the props, and practiced the show until it was polished to perfection. Kitty and the other Hittys all came out to watch the performance.

The first trick is a classic called, “Cups and Balls.” This trick has been performed for hundreds of years. Cleo places a ball inside one of the cups, then she flips the cups upside down.

Cleo moves the cups around quickly to mix them up. “Where is the ball?” she asks. Kitty points to the cup on the right. Empty!

The ball was underneath the cup on the left. Kitty admires Cleo’s sleight-of-hand skills.
For the next trick Mabel brings out a beautiful faience scarab beetle and places it on the table. Next to the beetle is a classic magician’s top hat.

Cleo hides the scarab underneath the top hat.

Mabel waves her wand over the hat and says an Egyptian word, “Heka!” The word “Heka” means “Magic” in Egyptian.

Cleo lifts up the hat… and the scarab is gone!

Now Cleo brings in a heavy brass chest and sets it on the table. Mabel waves her wand again.

Cleo opens the chest, and she finds the scarab inside! How did they do that?

For their next trick, Cleo brings in a beautiful, brightly painted golden sarcophagus.

She pulls it open to reveal a mummy inside! Then she closes the case back up.

“Heka!” Mabel says again as she waves her wand.

Cleo opens the case. The mummy is gone!

“Can you bring it back?” Kitty asks. “Watch this,” Mabel replies as she waves her wand.

The mummy is back! The Hittys all applaud.

And now for the finale. Mabel and Hitty bring in a wonderful senet board topped with a statue of Isis, the Egyptian goddess of magic.

Kitty volunteers to help with the trick. Together they cover the statue with a linen cloth.

“I call on the powers of Isis to transform this statue!” says Mabel. Kitty and Cleo pull back the cloth.

The statue is gone, and in its place is a tiny golden sphinx!

“Thank you for a lovely magic show,” says Kitty. “That was amazing!”

Time for Cleo and Mabel to take their bows. All the Hittys give them a big round of applause for a job well done.