My name is Wendi Dunn. I am a graphic designer and an aspiring author. I discovered the book, Hitty: Her First Hundred Years, when I was a child. I remember that it seemed a little old-fashioned, but I still enjoyed the story of a small wooden doll who traveled the world, enduring hardships and harrowing situations. No matter what happened, Hitty remained serene, calm and unflappable in the face of adversity.
Hitty reminds us that change can be painful at times, but without change, there is no growth. The world has changed immensely since 1929, the year that the book was written. Parts of it now seem dated and not “politically correct,” when viewed through modern eyes. With A Tale of Two Hittys, I want to keep the spirit of the original book but make it more inclusive and accessible to modern readers.
The idea that “play” is only for children needs to be revised. When we play with dolls as adults, we can use our imaginations and exercise our minds to the fullest extent. Dolls allow us to live out fantasies we couldn’t possibly achieve in real life. Just looking at photos of Hitty’s adventures posted by someone else on Facebook can brighten my day. I am certain many Hitty collectors already know, as I do, that the act of holding and dressing a small doll can bring great joy.
Can a doll really think and feel? I believe that we project our own emotions and feeling upon dolls, which strengthens our empathic abilities. We can sympathize with dolls and imagine ourselves experiencing everything that happens to Hitty and Kitty. Dolls allow us to visualize the world from a different perspective, and with this alternative vision, dolls can help make us better human beings.
And that is why I chose to write a book about dolls, using the genre of historical fiction. I feel connected to the characters in my story, and that makes me delighted to share their adventures with others. Not everyone loves dolls as much as I do, but I hope that readers can appreciate the historical details and events which I intend to weave into the book. The world can and will continue to change, but stories of Hitty and Kitty will endure.
Blog Contents Copyright © 2021-2023 by Wendi Dunn. All Rights Reserved.
While I have made an attempt to credit the proper source for all images and quotes used, I may have missed something. If you feel I have neglected to credit an item correctly, please contact me.